28th March, 2019





The social media has been awash recently with a fake hajj fare. In addition, some Muslim individuals and groups have been calling on the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) to expose what they called an outrageous N1.8 million hajj fare. Some of the social media messages have also been calling on principal actors in the Federal Government (FG) to take action.



MURIC has responded with a press statement aimed at nipping the rumour in the bud. In its response issued on Thursday, 28th March, 2019, the Islamic human rights organization debunked the allegation of an outrageous hajj fare as the handiwork of mischievous elements who have their hidden agenda.



“We are fully aware of what is happening. We received all those messages on social media but as a responsible Islamic group, we did not allow our emotion to run riot. We investigated and found out that the allegation is false, baseless and unfounded.


“It is borne out of mischief. Somebody somewhere has his own agenda and they want to use MURIC to spread false alarm or to bring fellow Muslims down. We will not allow ourselves to be used as tools in Nigeria’s notorious pull-him-down syndrome (PhD).



“Among our findings is that the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has not even fixed any hajj fare yet. So where did they get the figures which they are brandishing? Another discovery is that this same document was in circulation about three years ago and it was refuted at the time.



“Social media may be good but it is pregnant with pitfalls. We therefore warn Muslims to be wary of the negative aspects of social media, particularly fake news. It is not only counter-productive but also destructive. Fake news is an ill wind that blows no one any good.



“We advise Muslims around the country to always put their faith into real practice by following the true teachings of Islam. The teaching of Islam on an issue like this is in Qur’an 49:6 where Allah says, ‘O you who believe! If an evil person comes to you with any news, verify it lest you should harm people in ignorance and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.’



“The Glorious Qur’an also warns against spreading unverified information or acting on it because there are eschatological implications for such actions. It says, ‘And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned’ (Qur’an 17:36)



“As we rise from this intervention, we declare that the hajj fare package which has gone viral on social media is fake, unrealistic and a mirage. We enjoin Nigerian Muslims to avoid spreading fake news, to investigate every piece of information before acting on them and before sharing them. Finally, we advocate caution on the part of every Nigerian in respect of use of social media”



Professor Ishaq Akintola,


Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)