18th August, 2019





The Chairman of Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) and former Legal Adviser of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr. Muiz Banire (SAN) lost his mother, Alhaja Sarat Abiola Banire, on the night of Friday 16th August, 2019. The late Alhaja Sarat was buried at the Ebony Vault, Ikoyi on Saturday afternoon. She was 92.


Meanwhile the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has expressed sadness over the death of the matriarch. This was made known in a statement distributed to the media by the Director of the organization, Professor Ishaq Akintola, on Sunday, 18th August, 2019.


“We in MURIC commiserate with Dr. Muiz Banire on the demise of his mother. Although we are well aware of the inevitability of death (Qur’an 3:185), the human nature in us compels us to share these solemn moments with an exemplary, iconic and cerebral Muslim leader.


“We witnessed the grand celebration of the 90th birthday anniversary of Banire’s mother two years ago. It was celebrated with Islamic prayers and attended by all mainstream Islamic organisations and scholars of repute. We were emotionally touched by the thanksgiving event but today, the woman we all celebrated is no more. We are mourning.


“However, Dr. Muiz Banire (SAN) has taught Nigerians vital lessons in piety, humility and consciousness of our responsibilities towards our parents. The way he took care of his mother and honoured her is a practical demonstration of Qur’anic injunctions on goodness to parents. Banire is an expert technician in a spiritual laboratory.


“While Qur’an 17:23 instructs children to be kind to both parents, Qur’an 31:14 reminds man how his mother ‘carried him in travail upon travail (wahnan ‘ala wahnin) and weaned him after two years’. The pains of pregnancy and the trauma of labour are sufferings that only women go through while breastfeeding for two whole years is also a feat performed only by women.


“The same verse (31:14) went ahead to enjoin Muslims to show gratitude to Allah and to their parents. There is no doubt that the best way to show gratitude to parents is by taking good care of them particularly their feeding, accommodation, clothing, medication and regular attention.


“MURIC therefore salutes womanhood. We call special attention to the great concern which the Qur’an shows towards womanhood. This attention debunks the false claim of our detractors that Islam is a religion which debases women. The high pedestal which Dr. Banire placed his mother has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Muslims give women a lofty position in the dignity of the human person.


“It is also on record that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) commanded Muslims to respect and honour their mothers three times before doing same for their fathers (‘Ummuka, thumma ummuka, thumma ummuka, thumma abuuka’ i.e. ‘Your mother, your mother, your mother, then your father’). This is indubitable evidence of the pride of place which Islam gives women.


“At this juncture, we charge Nigerian men to love and honour their wives. We condemn violence against women in all its ramifications and call on those who indulge in this barbaric act to desist forthwith. In like manner, we decry paedophilic practices against children and underaged girls. It is repulsive, preposterous and reprehensible.


“MURIC urges Nigerians to take good care of their parents while the latter are still alive instead of ignoring parents until they die. We denounce the common practice of ignoring parents in their old age and wasting money on extravagant funerals characterized by drinking, singing and dancing. It is inhuman, wasteful and paradoxical.


“How can we lose our loved ones and still sing, dance and spray naira? How can homo sapien compos mentis lose his father or mother and still go ahead, in good conscience, to lose his money? It is irrational, illogical and inexplicable. We are dancing on our parents’ graves!  

“We pray that Almighty Allah reposes the soul of Alhaja Sarat Banire in al-Jannah firdaus. We put all those left behind by her under Allah’s divine and universal umbrella: Dr. Banire, Alhaja Raimot Ajoke Banire, Mr Ajibola Banire, Dr Rasheed Oki and Mr. Ayoola Oki.

“As we draw the curtain, we call on Nigerians especially Muslims to emulate Dr. Muiz Banire by taking good care of their parents while the latter are still alive. We urge Nigerians to eschew wasteful spendings during funerals and other ceremonies. We aver without any fear of contradiction that the Muslim Umma in the South West will make great progress if we have just one more Muslim politician like Muiz Banire.We therefore invite Muslim politicians in Yorubaland to close the yawning lacuna between them and Islamic scholars from the sub-region.”


Professor Ishaq Akintola,


Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)