21st November, 2018      




The spokesman of Operation Safe Haven in Plateau State, Major Adam Umar, has confirmed the killing of two Muslim travelers at Nding Sesut village of Barkin Ladi Local Government Area, Plateau State on Sunday night. According to him, two other persons were also injured while one escaped unhurt.


Although the army spokesman did not actually identify the killers as Berom youth, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has denounced the killing and pointed accusing fingers at the former. In a press statement issued on Wednesday, 21st November, 2018, the human rights organization alleged that Berom youths were still killing Muslim travelers.


“We have the names of the two dead victims. They are Tanimu Sanusi and Usman Inusa. They were members of Vegetable Sellers Association at the Building Materials Market in Jos. They were returning from Barkin Ladi when they were attacked. Abdullahi Muhammad is one of the two persons injured.


“The army spokesman is being diplomatic by not pinning the killing on Berom youths. MURIC has a duty to cry out and reveal the true identity of the killers. They are Berom youths. The survivors made the revelation. The reference to the possibility of an armed robbery attack by the army spokesman is part of the tact being employed by the army. They took the victims’ car away to divert attention. Armed robbers are not in the habit of killing their victims.


“No money was snatched and no cell phones were collected from the victims. Our bet is that the victims’ car is now lying under one of the ponds in the neighbourhood. There are more than 80 such ponds there and the late General Alkali’s car was found inside one of them”.  


According to Professor Ishaq Akintola, the director and founder of MURIC who signed the statement, the Berom are recalcitrant.



“These are people who have tasted human flesh before. They can never be the same again. They massacred hundreds of Muslims in 2011. They roasted their victims on the spot and ate them up. Like the leopard which cannot change its skin, cannibals are always thirsty for more human meat. Besides, Berom youths allegedly trained as killers in Israel are constantly looking for ‘game’ and ‘bush meat’.



“This is an indubitable proof of the meaninglessness of Governor Lalong’s apology. How can the governor be apologizing while his kinsmen continue to kill innocent travelers? Coming barely a week after the burial of the late General Alkali (rtd), a strong evidence of continued criminality is emerging. It is unacceptable. The Beroms are not showing remorse at all.



“MURIC therefore demands that the army must announce the outcome of investigations being conducted into the recent attack on Muslim travellers. We charge the army and other security agencies on ground to heighten their vigilance. The Berom capacity to inflict any harm on travelers must be categorically neutralized. There is an urgent need for military checkpoints in strategic places along roads used by travelers. Regular military patrols are also mandatory.



“While we commend the army for its gallantry, relentlessness and adherence to the rules of engagement even in the face of provocation, we assert the Allah-given fundamental human right of Nigerian Muslims to move freely without let or hinderance. This right is stipulated in Section 41 (1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Government of Nigeria, ‘Every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof…’ It therefore behoves the Nigerian security agencies to ensure that the Berom are not allowed to abridge the right of Muslims to move freely in Jos and environs.



“In conclusion, MURIC calls on the Federal Government (FG) to rise to its responsibility of protecting Fulanis and Muslims in the face of Berom threat. In particular, we demand the draining of those dangerous ponds around Jos metropolis since there is strong evidence that they are being used for criminal purposes. It is our strong suspicion that hundreds of dead bodies of Fulanis and Muslims have been dumped in the ponds. The time to do this is now and FG must not abdicate its responsibility. We call FG’s attention to Section 14 (2) (b) of the Constitution which says, ‘The security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government’”.   



Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)