8th September 2023





The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has condoled the Chairman of Jamā’atu Izālatil Bid’ah wa Iqāmatis-Sunnah (JIBWIS) Nigeria – Sheikh Dr Abdullahi Bala Lau, on the death of a member of the executive of the organization, Sheikh Abubakar Giro Argungu.


In the condolence message signed by its National Secretary, Malam Ibrahim Musa Yelwa Al-kisa’i, MURIC said that the deceased was reported to have passed away on Wednesday night and buried at his hometown cemetery in Argungu after Zuhr yesterday.


Giro was reported by his son to have sought forgiveness from his friends and family and at the end he uttered the Kalimatush-shahādah (the last testimony of belief in Allah). Sheikh Giro was known to be a committed and consistent Islamic scholar throughout his life time and has little or no attachments to worldly materials.


His death is indeed a national and international tragedy that befell Muslims, yet we admit that death is a necessary end and it must be accepted by devoted Muslims in the right way.


The National Secretary prayed on behalf of the organisation for Allah to forgive the deceased and to give all those bereaved by his death the fortitude to bear the loss.


Mallam Ibrahim Musa Yelwa (Al-kisa’i)

National Secretary, MURIC.


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